Husband is upset I bought a vibrator

So I’ve never used a vibrator before or even cared to have one. (I’ve never masterbated or wanted too either) but my husband works 7-5 mon-fri and I always get horny around 1 😩 but I usually just do something else to get my mind off it but after reading how many people have vibrators on this app I finally broke down and bought one. It just came yesterday and I’m always buying stuff online and my husband never does so occasionally he’ll ask to open what I ordered (just because he thinks it’s cool or whatever lol) so he asked and I told him he probably doesn’t want to open it (little backstory, I didn’t want to tell him I was getting a vibrator because I knew he wouldn’t agree but then I also didn’t want to keep it from him. We are VERY vanilla in the bedroom & I think it’s mostly because of our religion. There’s always talk about what you can and can’t do when it comes to sex but I’ve never agreed with that. It’s not like they straight up say “don’t masterbate” but it is kind of frowned upon.) so I told him it’s not something he wants to open while I was laughing and he said “is it a dildo?” And I just kept laughing and he opened it and was like “why would you buy this?” And I said “it’s a vibrator” and he just glared at me for a min and said “hmm” he was clearly mad that I bought it and planned on using it. He wouldn’t ever tell me to throw it away or not use it because he’s not like that but he clearly let me know he doesn’t approve so now I feel like I can’t even use it and I want to just throw it out at this point. I guess I’m asking if I should feel that way? Lol I don’t know? Should I just not use it out of respect for him or maybe talk to him and explain why I wanted it? (I feel like I shouldn’t have to do that though.) I think he definitely feels like it’s cheating somehow 😒