Way less fetal movement

Kimberly • Wife and Mother of two sweet little girls💕 two babies in heaven👼🏼

So I went into L&D; today because I only felt my little babe 2 times today and the movements were so subtle it felt like I was only 16-18 weeks. I’m 38 weeks tomorrow, anyways they did a non stress test and baby girl checked out fine. The doctor said I’m probably not feeling movements because she’s getting into the birth canal and ready for labor. I’m super anxious not being able to feel her. At this rate I might as well live at the hospital, I have such bad anxiety and not being able to feel her is making me really anxious to the point of waking up in the night and not being able to breathe. I just want her here so I can relax and not feel like this😩 I don’t know what more to do.