Labor & Delivery 41+3 *LONG*

Kallie • baby #1 2/4 💙 baby #2 due 1.21.22

This is extremely long so I apologize ***

So we went for our non stress test on Saturday 2/3/18 at 1pm & he was being stubborn on the monitors and wouldn’t let them monitor him so as usual we had to go for an ultrasound to make sure he was taking practice breaths and moving as usual & the charge nurse Megan told me it was likely that I wouldn’t be going home since I was 41+2 & had an induction set for that Monday.

4:03pm - So he ended up failing his BPP because he didnt take enough practice breaths so the nurses felt that it was time to induce since I was already set for an induction and it was safer for him to be out now than in. She checked me and I was 3 cm which meant I dilated 2 cm from the Wednesday that I was checked last.

4:40pm - So they took me into my delivery room and got my IV in which was in my arm since I didn’t have big enough veins in my hands or wrists.

5:30pm- Alyssa and Jennifer (bff and her mom)

came up to hang out with me while I waited to get started on pitocin.

6:30pm- Got started on pitocin at 1 & hung out with Alyssa and Sean.

7:10pm- Alyssa went to the waiting room because I immediately started getting back labor really bad & I wanted to labor alone.

8:52pm- Checked again and I was 3.5 cm & I requested pain meds in my IV but my doctor said I had to have the epidural so I went ahead and requested the epidural.

10:00pm- Epidural guy came in to give me the epi. I started to get really shaky and dizzy while he was doing it and I puked twice & my blood pressure dropped really low & they had to give me a shot in my leg to help my BP go back up.

10:30pm- epidural was done & I was STILL at 3.5cm

11:16pm- I got full feeling back in my body and felt all my contractions again.

2:07am- still in a lot of pain and crying at this point because I can feel everything and the pitocin was really high.

2:26am- broke my water but still 3.5 cm

3:10am- epidural guy came back and gave me a big dose of epidural straight into the epidural site & it helped for all of 2 minutes then stopped helping me and I went back to excruciating contractions with no meds at all.

4:35am- still 3.5 but went up to 80% effaced

5:24am- still 3.5 & decided to put internal monitors on baby to monitor him better. WORST part of labor.

7:22am- Checked again and I was still 3.5 cm & baby boy sucked himself back up so we decided to go ahead and do an emergency c section since apparently when babies suck themselves back up it can be a sign of distress.

8:52am- Greyson Thomas Riordan was born 💖🍀 Hardest day of my life.

In the OR I was really nervous because the epidural guy said that if he couldn’t numb me I’d have to go to sleep since my epidural wasn’t working at all & he laid me down and gave me ANOTHER dose of epidural in my IV (which he said he hates giving that strong of a dose) & it did nothing so he sat me up , took out my epidural to find that it was misplaced & gave me a spinal & I automatically went numb 🙌🏼 The anesthesiologist also played Luke Bryan for me during my stitching. 😂