I love you .


I met this man and he is pretty good too

Me . I’ve know him maybe for 6-7months and we have been seriously talking heavy for 3months . He started eating me out around the second month and we literally started having sex for about a week and some change now . The sex is amazing and even before the sex when we were just hanging out and kicking It and enjoying each other the vibes are insane ! Lately i been feeling the word i love you . And i asked him “ how he felt “ he basically came out and told me he been loving me for awhile Just didn’t say it because I’m not ready for a commitment now . I waited like another week and i told him i love you and he said “ aw baby i love you too “ but lately after that i been feeling i always have to say it first and he doesn’t say It unless i do honestly , i told him i love him

Like 3 days ago , what could be the reason ?

I’m 19 and he is 24