Marriage with no commitment??????


I’ve been fwb with this guy for almost a year now. We had the dating talk once or twice and we both agreed to not date. But up until recently, out of the blue, he told me that he loved me, he wants to marry me, start a family with me and spend the rest of our lives together. It overwhelmed me and we haven’t talked much about it since it happened. So we’re still technically not dating. I want to. And he’s not ready to date yet, he says we still need to wait a little more time. I kinda see his point.. he’s going to Australia for all of April then to Kingston for the whole summer and I’ll be home. Then I’ll be going away to school an hour away in the fall. So we wouldn’t see much of each other. But I’d feel better if we were together. Does he not want to date because he’s going away? Or is it better to wait?