The Very End of Pregnancy

Ashley • Mama to 3 ☺️

The last coupe of weeks of pregnancy are the longest! The anticipation, the anxiety, the unknown, the feet swelling to the point you can feel fluid swooshing when you walk, the belly feeling heavier by the day, baby literally trying to break out of your skin, the pelvic, bladder, lower back pressure, the waddle, the constipation, the diarrhea, the occasional nausea at the strangest moments, the hormones...good God the hormones, the nesting instinct that there is so much to get done and no time to finish it before baby arrives!

And despite all the ways that I feel like my body has been hijacked, I can’t help but to remind myself of the many years of my life I dreamed about this baby, wondered who he or she might be, practiced on my doll babies when I was little and how excited I was when the pregnancy test was positive! How long I’ve waited and hoped and prayed for this moment in my life and to be fortunate enough to get to experience it. To be blessed with a healthy child and pregnancy. To have conceived without any complications. How wonderful and amazing and just damn miraculous our bodies are for creating and sustaining another life! I am so thankful to God that I get this chance to be a mom and pregnancy and birth are only the beginning.

So next time I want to complain about how I don’t sleep at night any more or can’t fit 90% of my clothes, I will pause and remind myself of the little joy that I am growing inside and that I have now contributed something to this world that is bigger than myself. ❤️🙏🤱