9dpo faint or am I seeing things?

I decided out of the blue on maybe a 2 hr hold to try a cheapie opk.. that seems to look positive. So, I dipped the hpt, and I think there's a faint line. Is this possible at 9dpo? Do you see a 2nd line? This pic was taken within the timeframe. Thank you everyone. I will take another first thing in the am tomorrow morning, and update everyone. I will not be able to sleep tonight! lol. **Update** With all the talk about the tests touching and what not, I did another with a 2 hr hold, just an hcg before going to bed.. and there's a faint line, just like this one! Mayb a tad darker! Thanks so much everyone. Will update a pic of my test from fmu in about 10 hrs!! Update#2. I did a test this am! Vvvfl! It's definitely there! And it's not bc the tests touched! I did this one only. and it's gotten darker since it's dried a little! The 2nd pic posted is within the timeframe!