Visitors at hospital

Mostly just venting here but got into a little disagreement with a coworker/friend (who hasn’t had kids in 20 years) because she thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to just show up at the hospital to visit someone who has just given birth. I was trying to explain to her that at our hospital we will be doing skin to skin as much as we can for the first 24 hours so we won’t want visitors (besides our parents and siblings) until the next day. She was SO judgy and couldn’t believe that I “didn’t want visitors.”

I tried explaining how I always text and ask someone before I visit them at the hospital because maybe they just want alone time with their new baby and she couldn’t believe (and basically said it was stupid) that I wouldn’t just show up at the hospital unannounced to visit someone.

It really hurt my feelings that she couldn’t just respect my decision to delay visitors for a day (or even until we go home). I understand that back in the day it was perfectly normal for visitors to come in and out all day unannounced but I just don’t think it’s like that anymore.

Idk I guess I didn’t explain everything in detail so it might seem like I’m overreacting but it was just something annoying that happened to me and I just needed to vent 😂