5 Weeks: Hip pain / hard belly button / already showing!


Hey guys! So I had a miscarriage back in November. So I am a little paranoid this pregnancy. I have two sons, one is two and my youngest will be one next week! So this pregnancy mommy symptoms are already pretty intense! With my miscarriage I didn’t really experience any pregnancy symptoms. So I’m hoping this means I have a sticky bean! The things that are different are that I’m having some hip pains right now. Are cramps and pains by your hip normal? Almost like twinges. Also, my belly button feels hard! Its weirdest thing and I sware I’m already showing! I know it’s just bloat but with my two boys I don’t think I was this bloated! I’m also SO SO SO hungry all the time! I’m either thinking I’m having twins or this is a girl. LOL! Has anyone experienced these symptoms? Normal?