My birth story


Hey ladies

Hope all of you are okay. Just thot of writing this to those who might be feeling scared to give birth, i just want to tell you that all will be okay. I was terrified wenever i thot of the process and also thinking how it is going to go was just scary.

My birth story:

It was 2 am and was sleeping next to my mom. I felt like some warm water in between my legs, i then jumped out of bed and suddenly all the water came gushing through. I called my gynae and rushed to the hospital but there wasnt any pain yet. Was admitted in hospital and managed to sleep through the night the next morning the pain started at about 7am but that was still fine with me because i was booked for theatre at 8. Was given some temporary pain medication and slept the next thing i realised was my bed being pushed into theatre and my husband kissing me before i entered the theatre. All went well with the surgery and was blessed with a son. A week later he was diagnosed with meningitis and we had to return to the hospital for his treatment but all is fine now. My son is now 3 months old and healthy.

All birth stories are different but know that the Lord will make it okay for you.