Finally after 3 miscarriages

Ann • 29. mommy to three angel babies. Have a 8 month old boy and currently pregnant. Live in Wisconsin.

I’ve posted before but today I had a dating scan done early just because of my previous miscarriages. Saw baby and the heartbeat! I’m measuring 6w3d a week earlier than what my LMP predicted. Baby had a heartbeat of 115, was told that was a good heart rate. Since seeing the heart beating I finally feel like I can relax and not constantly expect the worst. My boyfriend came with me to that ultrasound appointment today and I’ve never seen him so excited and happy. When we were walking to the car he just grabbed me and hugged me. Made a joke he was going to put a basketball by the baby at all times so he or she gets used to it lol, he has been a basketball player all his life. I’ve finally stopped worrying so much. So thankful god has blessed us after 3 losses. 🌈 🌈

Unfortunately it was brought to my attention that my ob is leaving and is telling his patients to start making appointments with different obgyns in that system. I tried making that appointment they want me to have in two weeks to find out they put the wrong order in and of course they called me after business hours so I couldn’t call to correct the order. So tomorrow I’ve got I’m sure a million and one phone calls to make lol