My full birth story 💙

Dessa • Mommy to a handsome boy 💙👶🏽

So on march 7th at 1am I was having pains in my back so I went to the er at noon they told me I was only at 2cm so they told me it might happen later or tomorrow so I was like okay then around 10pm my contractions was 3-4 minuets apart so I called my doctor and he said just come in in the morning and I was like hell no so I go in and I’m at 5cm so I got my epidural and 4 hours later I was at 10cm so they said let’s practice and after 4 practice pushes they was like wooohhhh this is gonna happen now so after 4 more pushes he was out on march 8th at 2:12am they told me for being a first time mom I had him so fast lol but I’m so happy his here and healthy