Feeling fed up, need a pick me up.


Hey ladies,

I am pregnant with my first baby. I’m currently 11 weeks + 4 days and I’m struggling. So if any of you have any advice or just some positive words please send them my way.

Back at the beginning of March (Saturday 3rd to be exact) I woke with some light bleeding, I went to hospital and had a scan, all was ok but they put me on bed rest for a few days until my next appointment (and scan that was already booked) as a precaution.

Then the sickness hit me like a tonne of bricks, I was sent to my GP for medication against sickness and was home from work for TWO WEEKS. During that time I barely moved from my bed to my sofa, was constantly vomiting, lost weight, kept getting faint and dizzy due to not being able to eat and nearly ended up in hospital with dehydration.

They took bloods and I had an infection but they never identified what infection it was so I assumed just a stomach bug making things worse.

The medication started to help stop me throw up but it was a struggle to eat and keep anything down.

Then last week I returned to work, it was tough, I was still waking multiple times a night with vomiting but I managed it. (I came home and slept immediately after my work day but I hoped I was over it)

Then today happened, I got sent home from work within an hour of being there. The vomiting is back, with foods and fluids. So back to the dr I go for more medication, they write me home for the rest of this week (as I have holiday next week so they hope by then I’m over it)

My work is understanding but they are starting to wonder whether I’m going to be better off staying permanently at home. I don’t want to do that (financially I want to work to get things in order)

So I’m back on my sofa feeling sorry for myself, feeling sick and crappy. My husband isn’t home so I’m reaching out to you ladies for a bit of support.

I’m already taking my vitamins at night (I feel awful whenever I take it but have tried a couple of brands and have the same problem so am currently just sucking it up) I have ginger biscuits by my bed to eat before I get up (if I can since I’m mostly waking immediately needing to hurl so generally I’m reaching for the bucket)

I’m only drinking water and taking small sips to try to keep hydrated.

Any hints/tips welcome!