Mother visiting too often


I’m hoping some of you can relate. My mother lives about 1.5-2hrs away and wants to visit EVERY weekend. Let me add that me and my mother have not always gotten along, we didn’t speak for years and just started speaking when I was about 6 months pregnant so there is a lot of resentment of things that have happened between us in the past. However, this is her first grandchild and I didn’t want her to miss out on being in my daughters life. When I was on my way to the hospital, not even admitted yet, she just drove up without even asking if it was okay after I specifically told her I would let her know as things progressed. After I got my epidural and was trying to get some sleep she was on her phone watching videos and laughing very loudly to the point my husband had the keep her busy and take her out of the room which I then didn’t have my husband in the room because he had to entertain her and keep her out. I was very clear about not wanting anyone in the delivery room when it was time to push. My MIL was very understanding and got the hint when I was 9cm and just wanted my husband. My mother on the other hand didn’t. She kept coming back into the room and I then had to tell the nurses I wanted NO visitors and NO ONE in the room. They put up a sign on the door and still had to stop her from coming in. Anyway, she stayed with us for 4 days after the baby was born which was a lot of help that I appreciated but I also just wanted time with the baby and my husband. My baby isn’t even 7 weeks old yet and she had been over 4 weekends now and it’s starting to irk my nerves. Every weekend she asks if she can come over. And always texts me how much she misses “her” baby. I wouldn’t mind a visit once maybe twice a month but when she asks every weekend it makes me not want to have her over. I just don’t know how to deal with it and would like comments if anyone else can relate.