Symptoms of O, but no temp rise.


I had a positive OPK Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday I had a lot of CM, my cervix was nearly unreachable and incredibly soft and open. I had intense lower abdomen and back pains that radiated into my legs. I've never had all of these signs of ovulation at once, and I was super optimistic that this was finally the month. This month will mark one year TTC. However, my temps have been all over the place this month, and I have not had a temp rise. Now, cervix is more firm and lower. My back aches are still there, but my sex drive is non existent. I've read the only way to know if you ovulated is by temping and I can't help but feel super depressed today. I was so excited to finally have the symptoms I've never had before, only to not have a temp rise. Sorry for the novel. Has anyone else ever conceived without seeing a temp rise??