Desperate to get toddler (20 months) to sleep on her own but with two newborns to take care of I need to figure it out. Should I:


I tried everything while I was pregnant to make my now almost 2 year old sleep in her own room.

I tried laying with her in her bed until she falls asleep. I tried decorating her room and got new sheets of her favorite character to make her feel like her room is special. I tried blowing up an air mattress and sleeping in her room with her. I tried a nightlight. I tried just going into comfort her when she wakes up.

I feel like I’ve tried everything besides letting her cry all night. I’m worried about trying that because I just recently gave birth to twins and I’m worried she will feel abandoned.

But I’m worried if I bring her back in my bed the progress we’ve made will be thrown away.

Right now she will sleep at like 3 hour intervals and then I’ll have to go in and lay with her until she sleeps which can take an hour sometimes. It’s just not realistic to keep doing that when I’m breastfeeding two newborns and taking care of them by myself all day. I’m too sleep deprived to continue this.

So I feel like my options are to either bring her bed in my room with me and my twins, or just hope she doesn’t feel too sad if I just let her cry and soothe herself back to sleep.

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