Sad about breastfeeding


My baby latched on from day one. It hurt me so badly to breastfeed him at first though and I didn’t know how to deal with it. So I started to use the nipple shield and he and I both started doing so much better. But now he is 3 months old and won’t take it from my boobs anymore. He will drink my milk but only from a bottle! My milk keeps decreasing and decreasing.. it’s been a constant battle for about a month now. I used to pump and get 8 ounces on both sides in 5 minutes. Now, I barely get 1.5 ounces in 20 minutes of pumping.. I power pump a lot each day.. 20 mins on, 10 mins off, 10 on and then 10 off again. Then I’ll do it all over again in two hours.. Sometimes it works and I become engorged even in a few days and have to keep pumping it out. But the past two days, I’ve been trying to keep up with my baby and I’ve been pumping like crazy but barely making a 1.5 ounces... It’s making me really upset because I used to practically be a milk truck and I’m not sure what happened or what to do..