Should I take the early response pregnancy test?


Hi girls!

I have this situation:

I have been tracking my cycle since july/2017, my longest cycle was 32 days, my shortest 29... Last month we started TTC, I didn’t get pregnant and AF showed up on day 36! I kind of remember that during the last years my cycle has been 32 days or less.... I should say that each month was like mostly 29 days, as I remember AF showed up each month always a day or two before the previous month.... I hope to be clear🤦🏻‍♀️ English is not my first language🤷🏻‍♀️

According to my “regular” cycle (as last month was the only month I got such a long cycle) AF should show up the 29th, I would like to have a first response 6 days before pregnancy test.... it is ok if I take it tomorrow? ( a day before my expected period according to my “regular” cycle?) Or should I wait day 35-36?

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