Late then short period please help

Leasha • Baby Arrigo, due January 2nd 2019 ♥️

I was 9 days late with 2 negative test, and got my period on tuesday morning around 1am, it got heavy by morning, and was very heavy throughout the whole day and then lightened around bedtime last night, when I got up this morning it was heavy, and lightened throughout the day, to now its nothing at all, you cant even tell I was just bleeding how I was. My period usually last 6 days, so this makes no sense at all. The past few days, and the past few weeks ive been off and on feeling sick to my stomach. Tuesday morning around 7am I actually started dry heaving to the point it was just bile coming up which cause extreme heart burn! I have cramps in my lower stomach on one side and my back is super sore! Has anyone had anything like this? Thanks :)