Husband pinched my “belly fat” contractions?

So today my husband was massaging my back and out of no where decides to punch “my belly fat” remind you I’m 27 weeks pregnant and he pinched a big chunk of skin/meat without realizing THOSE AREN’T FAT/LOOSE SKIN. After he pinched its I started having some cramping/contraction feeling it was a very uncomfortable feeling and I had to immediately pee afterwards.

I already have really bad anxiety and after him doing that I felt like crying all day because I was worried about the baby. I’m already having extremely bad back pain on top of that so just more worries... should I be worried?

I did google and stuff but having the doctor or someone palpate your belly is different from someone pinching a big chunk of your belly, not with one hand but two 😒 now I’m worried the baby might be hurt I may be over exaggerating but can’t help it 🤷🏻‍♀️