I’ve had enough of my bf’s mother!

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years now. Everything was good. His parents were nice when I first met them, but the more I’ve been around his mom, the more I’ve learned that she’s really fake towards me. She says snarky comments, says mean things directed at me, and will make faces. If my bf confronts her about any of these, she always says it’s a miscommunication and turns it around on me to make her seem as if she didn’t do anything wrong.

I went over to his house tonight and I was chilling in his room on my phone. I could hear my bf and his mom talking outside. I was super thirsty and go to the kitchen to get my drink I saved in the fridge. My drink was all the way in the back of the fridge in a bag so no one will drink it, but there was a bunch of stuff in front of it. My boyfriend literally stopped talking to his mom and I tapped his shoulder so he could help me. He helps me and as I take out my drink I noticed it seemed as if someone drank it. It was just me and my bf in the kitchen, so I go “babe! Look! Are you serious? It was like up here and now it’s down to here.” His family always eats my food or throws it out, so I’ve been putting my snacks & etc in a bag so they know it’s mine. My bf takes my bag and starts walking out of the kitchen to go put my name on it. Right than his mom calls his to the living room literally 6 ft away. He goes over there and I stay by the dining room table. Loudly she goes “what? What’s wrong? What is it?” In a rude tone as if I said something bad towards her. My bf told her nothing and we both go in his room. I told him that was kinda rude on her part and it seemed a little weird for her to do. He said he knows but we both brushed it off. He finishes putting my name on my bag and goes outside to the kitchen to put it away. We’re both cracking jokes and are just having fun.

I followed him out there and was sitting at the dining room table on my phone while he finished doing whatever. His mom comes in from outside and just walks straight into her room (which is normal, i didn’t suspect anything wrong). We go back in his room and I pick up his phone on the bed. I see 2 texts from his mom saying “I don’t appreciate her attitude. Fix it.” And “she doesn’t need to be here.” I didn’t say anything and just handed it to my bf. My bf and I decided that we need to deal with all of this soon.

2 months prior to this my bf and I got into one of those dumb arguments that literally lasted 10 mins. We made up and had sex less than an hour later. His mom texted him the next day a LONG paragraph of how he should find the perfect girl, be with someone who’s happy, don’t settle for less, that once he sees a little flaw in me to dump me, and that she’s dumped a lot of guys before because they were trash. I wish my bf saved the text but she was directing that all towards me, basically saying I’m not the perfect one for him and that I’m trash. I don’t think she ever knew I read it, but from that I realized what she truly thought of me. I was never happy with her after that & didn’t really want to give my attention to someone toxic, but I’ve never said anything rude towards her. She’s been constantly starting drama like this and just being a toxic person over all. I’ve never seen a mom, let alone a person who is in their mid 40s act like this to someone half their age. I’m tired of her doing this to me. I didn’t want to talk to her about this tonight, as I would have said everything on my mind & it would not have been good (she’s a screamer and I probably would start crying or screaming). I’m going back over tomorrow (as planned before all this) & I’m just scared im going to walk into a war zone. I’m not sure if I’ll be ready to talk to her tomorrow. I still want to tell her how it is, but I don’t know how to go about this & it’s giving me anxiety just thinking about it! Any advice please???

Little CLARIFICATION: Although he lives with his parents and I’m over a lot, we keep our relationship “private” in front of them. We don’t really kiss or talk about things in front of them. If we argue it’s behind closed doors. It’s just that his room is right next to the dining room, where his mother was eaves dropping in on us :)