Bottom lip drama


So far, aside from labor itself, breast feeding has been the hardest thing I’ve done. My daughter is gaining weight and wetting/messing enough diapers so I’m somewhat confident that its okay despite the pain, but I’m realizing now, that it’s all because of this pesky lower lip. She doesn’t flange it the way the top lip does. Despite me pressing down on her chin and trying to flange it myself, it still tucks under and she still practically gnaws on my nipple for 20-40 min. This has been more apparent the last couple days. She had a tongue tie but it was corrected when we were still admitted luckily. With her being just about a month old, I’m trying to make sure my supply is sufficient and she’s satisfied.. I feel like this latch issue isn’t really helping our case. Despite my tears and frustrations this is not something I’m willing to give up right now, especially because she’s getting enough, it’s just not as efficient. Anyone else have a similar problem? What worked for you?

*update: I did what many LC recommend which is, try to correct them when they don’t latch correctly by breaking the seal and relatching. Apparently it’s worked like Pavlov’s dog because now she lost all of her latch, even the bad one. I think she’s just expecting me to pop her off so she hardly attempts now. She tries for it, gets frustrated and cries. We’re seeing LC tomorrow to see if we can salvage this. Fed is best, but this is heart breaking 😢