My First Appointment

Kayla • Kayla Hill

well ladies...I have to say my first appointment was actually a let down and I need advice. I am about 6 weeks along and I was really hoping that with my appointment they would confirm my pregnancy and give me a due date. None of that happened... The doctor came in and just handed me a note that said to take blank medicine if I'm having morning sickness (which I was allergic to the medicine) so not only did he not read my case but also he didn't research any other alternatives that medicines for pregnant ladies. (cough

cough seabands). He then proceeded to tell me he encourages me to eat as much fish as possible. They starts to randomly exam me and while he's doing so he stares at the wall...making me very uncomfortable and he didn't explain what he was checking for. He gave me a pap smear and told me my uterus was laying on my spine and they will just hope for the best. Then said you will make another appointment for four weeks and left the room. I felt like I had so much questions as a first time mommy and didn't get the clarification that I needed. Then I went downstairs to get a blood draw but I don't know what they were even testing it for. I just felt so in the dark and it's about me and my baby. Any advice?