Pregnancy Soothers? Is that a thing?


Okay, so I'm fully expecting to be seen as completely weird and infantile, but #pregomedontcare. Last night my husband came home and commented that I always have this little white thing next to me wherever I go in the house. (when I'm in bed it's on the side table, when I'm at the desk it's there, on the couch it's there, etc) it's a flour sack towel folded up in the form of a diaper(i plan on cloth diapering), the first one I managed to fold to my satisfaction without an actual model to practice on, and I didn't really notice it until he brought it up, but I really do take it everywhere like a security blanket, and get uncomfortable and antsy when I leave it somewhere until I go get it. Has anyone else experienced something like this? Or am I the sole weirdo pregnant chick with a weird soother attached?