
Tiffany • TTC baby #1

I was “supposed” to start my period three days ago.

Me and my husband have been TTC for three years. I have a SLIGHT case of PCOS so I don’t always ovulate on my own. This last month I believe I ovulated on my own because I had slight cramps.

I’m not sure how long my cycle typically lasts because this is my first time tracking my cycles. According to my chart, I was supposed to start my period three days ago.

I have cramps, and I feel like I’m going to start but I haven’t.

I have been going to the bathroom every thirty minutes to check if I’ve started because I get a “wet” feeling like I have and the only thing I find is lots of CM.

I’m scared to test because I hate being let down. Three years I’ve been trying and I hate seeing a negative test, it brings me down and depresses me.


Should I wait to test or should I go ahead?

I keep telling myself to wait a few more days but usually when I cramp I start my period a day later. Been cramping off and on the last four days but still nothing.

Update: I tested today it came out negative. Not sure why I still haven’t started my period.