4 days late on period but negative pregnancy test?


Hey y'all. So, a little bit of background info. I have PCOS but my doc says that I only have a small amount of fibroids on my left ovary. She put me on medroxyprogesterone (i velive thats what its called) 10 mg 10 days a month in the beginning. I have at least one period a month and it's never late (sometimes they're long though and go over into the next month so it feels like two a month) but this time I'm four days late. Ive been having period cramps for about a week nowbut theyre very light and I have a few pregnancy symptoms (hating certain foods I used to like, craving cake like no other, swollen breasts but not painful per say, minor nausea at random times, emotional like crazy, peeing more) but my pregnancy test that i took this morning was negative. Idk what to do or how to feel. Any advice?