Is this uncomfortable to you


So my mom posted this picture of me and her

I didn't mind this till her male church friend commented

Which made me vary vary uncomfortable I felt so disgusting after he said this btw with man is in his 50's and I'm 17 and so I stood up for my self since my mom didn't seem to care

And since in my reply to him my mom commented

Not addressing the situation at had and this man replied to my previous comment saying

I felt vary disrespected an in my comment I tired to be nice not go off on him and this is how he replied to me I felt that he thought of me as a joke it was disgusting to me how this man could talk to a girl or anyone like this so I tried to call my mom to tell her to confront him saying this is not ok she did not answer any of my calls yet she was on Facebook but then all of a sudden I get a text from her (she's known for playing the victim card allllll the time) this whole time my dads telling me to drop it and it's not important to continue it

To wish I replied two vary long messages I'm sorry about the horrible spelling and punctuation I was really upset and that wasn't on my lest to worry about 😂

And the other message you guys can tell me your opinion did I go to far? Did I not go far enough? What would you have done in my shoes