What can I eat then??!


Ok so I’m about 5w5d pregnant and nausea is definitely kicking in🤢anyway I’ve found that sometimes eating something helps a little (other times it backfires). This is my first pregnancy so everything that I eat....I google. Yes I know call me paranoid or crazy but I just want my little peanut to be safe in there. So over the past few days I’ve been googling things to eat while pregnant (safe things) and literally it seems like EVERYTHING is bad for a developing baby. Canned Soup, popcorn, cheese, chips, juice, sweets! Ever since I found out I was pregnant I’ve been eating ALOT healthier and all I’m drinking is water. Sometimes I just want JUNK!! Not a lot but like one bag of popcorn or a few slices of cheese pizza😭😖But it’s starting to feel like splurging will be such a huge risk. Have any of you heard of any food risks or do y’all have any tips?? Because I’m craving a bag of microwave popcorn right now but Dr. Google says it’s a BIG no-no😔