35 weeks pregnant and he’s CHEATING

He’s cheated on me 3 times physically and atleast 8 times verbally and today? He’s gone above and beyond. I would post screenshots but I really do not want to look at them again. He went to his boys night (no biggy) and he suddenly messaged me “you okay baby? Xxxx” so I’m like Awh he’s thinking about me and then asks if I’m doing alright, first alarm bell goes, he never asks twice. So I answer like “yeah I’m okay gorgeous” then he calls me sexy, ding ding alarm bell two, he never compliments me so I’m like hell nah this boy is up to something. Snoop on his Facebook because honestly I’m not a fool. And low and behold. Talking to a girl about going for drinks TOMORROW, asking to see her at the pub TONIGHT, talking about how he wants her to RIDE him and last but not least about how he’s HORNY. NAH BABES. and the best bit? “Talk tomorrow baby I don’t want ur girlfriend to find out about this and I’ll ruin your relationship xxxxxxx” too late babes too late and another thing just now? How he asked her to message him IN YHE MORNING bitch I will wake up before him just to catch him and throw his ass out. I’m 5 weeks away from giving birth TO HIS CHILD and he wanna play me. Not a chance, he will have a nice day at work knowing when he gets home his shit gonna be outside. I’m not a fool, I just play my cards right.


went in the shower to shave and make myself look like a fucking goddess and he got home from boys night. Said night to his side piece like “night beautiful xxxxxxxxx” bitch NEVER have I received that shit and then I go along and get a snapchat from someone who I was speaking to before him and he got jealous. Showed him I didn’t reply and didn’t start convo (cos why would I, im a faithful bitch, sad he can’t relate) and then stared a speech on how I wouldn’t jeopardise our relationship for scum and how I would never cheat because it’s scummy especially when a child is involved. He agreed and said he wouldn’t either. I plucked and now dying my brows while speaking to him and saying little lines from their convo, slowly he’s getting the hint that I know but he won’t say anything. Shut down time is nearing babes.


This bitch is asking for a knock to the nose. After cuddling me etc he goes “can you sit on my cock” and my response? “Later babe. I’m tired as fuck” and he grabs my butt and goes “please” so I sit an call him cheeky (line from his side cunt) and he freezes but then says okay and lays down. Cuddles me again and then goes “you do know I love you right?” LIKE BITCH NO YOU LOVE THE FREE ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD, FOOD, LOVE, SUPPORT, THE FACT THAT I CAN MAKE YOU CUM IN 30SECONDS AND THAT I DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU (wash clothes, dry clothes, make food, make him cum, EVEN WASH HIS FUCKING HAIR AND CUT HIS TOENAILS) like I’m your bastard mum mate. No. Oh and the best bit about this update is he asked if he could go for a few drinks tomorrow and I was like “sure babes who with?” His response “THE GUYS FROM BOYS NIGHT” like bitch I know I’m stupid but they don’t drink 2 days in a row they can’t handle it. Just listening to him lightly snoring makes me want to suffocate him🙃 You gonna be fucked babes, your family don’t want you cos you’re a cock to them and now you’re fucking up mine and our own, well done sweets.


Never got a message from side cunt don’t doubt he will message her. I woke up with period type pains and there was nothing there and he practically jumped at his phone when his alarm went off. He got up for work about 10minutes ago and took all his shit downstairs! Like okay good morning to you too babe, not even a cuddle and a kiss? Was cuddling all night but apparently that don’t matter. Told me to fuck off and that I’m a cunt for asking why he doesn’t wanna get changed up here? DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE REPLIED?! “I didn’t want to wake you” bitch your alarm went off, you climbed over me, you pulled my hair (by accident) and suddenly I’m acing for asking why you’re getting changed downstairs. He didn’t even say bye to me when he went yesterday and then claimed he was busy all day🙄 You sit on your arse babe I’m not stupid. And all this before 8:30am. Ahhh happy days.


Little does he know I’m crying with happiness rn. You end me babes and you’ve got nothing, I end you and I’m the bad guy. Let’s play I’ve got a full house. You’ll be missing out on something that every guy dreams of, a girl that’s down for you from homelessness to being broke to doing drugs and drinking all the time and then to working full time and having a full wallet and then to being broke and going round in a circle again. Oh and he’s still talking to his side piece, talking about how it was friendly banter last night. Yeah obviously.