Second cycle with injections


After years of infertility and 8 months of <a href="">fertility treatment</a> 2 of which with injections, I finally got my BFP!!! I am still in shock and disbelief. I have wanted a baby for as long as I could remember. I never took a home test I just waited for my blood test, shocked and proud of myself for not obsessively testing this month. I am only 4 weeks so I know anything can happen but I just wanted to give some hope to others going through this PCOS crap too.

First cycle I took femara CD 3-7 then menapur CD 8-13 trigger with ovidrel on CD 14 had two follicles over 16 but that time did not work.

This time femara CD 3-7 menapur CD 8-11 had only one follicle at 22mm triggered CD 12 with the hcg, and this time it worked. I felt all the same symptoms as pms so I was thinking AF would show up any day.

So there is hope with all the help available!!

Baby dust to all!!