Painful ovulation


I've been experiencing such bad pain and pressure the past 3 days. mu <a href="">glow app</a> says yesterday and today im most fertile and that is when my pain has been severe. Its all in the front pelvic region and its a pressure feeling and i get pains while sitting kinda crunched, walking and urination. I've been on birthcontrol since i was 14, and we have been TTC since last May/June-ish.. I haven't been to my doctor yet since TTC, we were waiting a full year with trying.. i made an appt for April 11th.. I really feel this may be my "normal" while ovulating again kinda for the first time. I tested for ovulation yesterday & today both with definite positives, which I've never had yet while testing during my fertile days per <a href="">glow app</a>... has anyone ever had severe pain with ovulating like this? or am i dying???