Looking for reassurance

Naomi • Healthy baby boy 10.12.18 👶🏼 Miscarriage 08.09.20 at 6W Miscarriage of twins 23.12.20 at 7W5D

Hey ladies! Congrats to you all. I'm very nervous.

About 5 days after ovulation I ended up in the ER/A&E; (first time in my life) with horrendous abdominal pain. They thought it was appendicitis but ruled it out. No HCG detected at the time. They couldn't fit me in for a scan but I have one booked in next week. They were pretty sure it was probably a large ovarian cyst.

I found out a week after this pain that I'm actually now pregnant with my first baby.. tests very dark. I have no idea what the pain was, it was seriously intense and came in waves for about 4 hours and then stopped. Hoping it's just a coincidence... anyone had anything like this?