
I just had a chemical pregnancy not that long ago I was talking to my family member about it cuz I was upset I just got the vvfl that morning and was hoping this time it would stick then about 5 hours later I started bleeding. I was upset I wanted someone to talk to just to listen. after telling her what happened she asked if I knew why I keep having chemical pregnancies yes I have low progesterone my uterine lining isn't thickening like it should for the embryo to burrow in and stick so it's a early miscarriage... she looked at me dead in the eye and says "a chemical pregnancy isn't a miscarriage it's a chemical in your head that since you want a baby so bad it gives you a false positive and pregnancy symptoms." I wanted to cry and scream at her that she's wrong I tried explaining that a phantom pregnancy is where you want it so bad you have the symptoms and false positive but no... no she's older than I am so she knows more about it. cause my being seen by a doctor and obgyns that have told me this that have told me why this is happening what's causing them is wrong right I'm so frustrated and angry at her.

Has anyone had this happen? how do you explain it to them?