My emotionally healing VBAC


I had an emergency C section with my first pregnancy. I had pregnancy hypertension detected around 34 weeks. Was put on meds.

Labour started spontaneously at 39 weeks.. I laboured at home for a while and was 7cms when the doc checked me. He ruptured my bag of waters and it was stained with meconium. Since baby wasn’t tolerating labour well and my blood pressure was shooting he announced I needed an Cesarean delivery. By the time they took me in I expressed my desire to push but it wasn’t heard.

Turns out I had undetected pre-eclampsia.

I was totally disappointed that I hadn’t got the care I had hoped for. I wasn’t given any meds to control blood pressure during delivery nor was I given an epidural.

I got pregnant twice after this but I ended up miscarrying. The third time I got pregnant I was already looking for another doctor, unhappy with the care I was receiving at my current ob. Once I got to know he wasn’t VBAC friendly I didn’t visit him again. I switched care providers at the start of my 3rd trimester.

What a delight my new doctor was! And she herself was a VBAC er! Her hospital was much smaller, less hi tech, basic setup, my husband wanted me to rethink. But I trusted my instincts and knew I had made the right choice.

New OB said I was a good candidate provided my pre-e doesn’t show up again. So she put me on arginine supplements which my previous OB hadn’t. I was expected to go into labor between 38-39 weeks. That did not happen. The max she said we could wait safely was 40 weeks. Still no labour but luckily I was dilated 2-3 cms at my last appointment. So she did a sweep. I was cramping waiting for the next 48 hours for labour to begin. Just 1 contraction and then it all stopped. 😂

So as scheduled we went to the hospital at 40 weeks to have my bag of waters ruptured so as to kickstart labour as naturally as possible. Finally I was in luck! My body responded well.. contractions started 1 hour post AROM. Their wonderful nurses monitored me and helped me breathe. I also had support from my yoga teacher/ physiotherapist who helped me do the right exercises to dilate and efface.

At 4 cms I got the epidural which my doc had strongly recommended Incase of an emergency (uterine rupture) and I was sure glad I got it because right after they were coming one on top of the other. It helped me relax my body and I was fully dilated and ready to push within 2 hours. I pushed for 10 minutes just as the epidural was wearing out. She gave me a small but needed episiotomy and out came my 3.25kg baby boy. (First boy was 2.66kg) I was ecstatic! She placed him on my tummy and I couldn’t believe what we had just accomplished! Husband cut the cord and they cleaned up the baby while I got stitched. Second degree tear. Could feel it as the epidural had worn out and it hurt so bad. I got to feed him a few minutes later. This was one of the most fulfilling and thrilling experiences of my life. I feel truly blessed to have this amazing doc and her team. And my pillar of strength my husband kept me going ! I have a few tips for a successful VBAC Incase anyone is interested. Thank you for reading my story. Hope it helps someone! 😊