I want to quit my sorority


I joined my sorority a few months ago, and it was a pretty impulsive decision and I did it for shallow reasons tbh - I wanted more friends, to get into good parties, the shirts were cute, and it was something to add to my resume.

So far, it’s really just been a liability for me. I have several other priorities right now - My grades are horrible, I’m applying for summer jobs, I have other relationships to maintain, and not to mention I’ve made a bunch of amazing friends this semester, none of them are in greek life. I’m way closer with them than anyone in my sorority and our relationships are way more natural/genuine. My sorority is small, so it’s noticeable when I don’t show up and they don’t have a lot of members. It’s just too big of a time commitment and there’s plenty of things I’m way more passionate about.

I want to quit/de-pledge before initiation. I know not everybody loves to hear that but I’ve made my decision and need to act on it. The girls are all so sweet don’t get me wrong, but there’s no one I’m really close enough with to tell I want to quit. I really don’t know how they’ll react because they have a hard enough time getting members. I haven’t been active in the group chat or responded to their texts, and I’ve had to skip a lot of events lately. I’ve told them multiple times that I have a lot on my plate but they don’t seem to get the hint. It’s just ugh. I’m in a tight spot and idk what to do.