He came in my mouth and I spit it out and put it in my vagina. Are my chances good??

We’ve been ttc for what feels like forever now. Today was my peak ovulation day but we’ve done it pretty much every day this week and he just didn’t have it in him to finish in me so I gave him head and put his cum in me immediately afterwards.

We’re tired. It snowed here and my hubby had to shovel all morning at work. He’s exhausted but we so desperately want to have this baby that I admit we went a little far this time. 😞 We’re both just so tired today but we didn’t want to miss our peak day. Do we still have hope??

P.S: Please be nice with ur comments. My husband and I really want to have a baby but this journey has proven to be a challenge. Ttc is so much harder than we could’ve ever imagined 😩😭

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