Jasper is here 💙


Let me start off with pitocin contractions are no joke. I came in dilated to 4cm already and was hooked up to pitocin around 11 am. I labored until about 5 pm and made it up to a 14 on the pump before asking for an epidural. She checked me and I was 5cm and had thinned out more. By the time the lady came in and the epidural was in, I had made it to 6cm, completely thinned out, and my water bag was bulging. My whole body was rocking with contractions. My epidural took an hour to numb my back, during which time I made it to about 8-9 cm. When it finally worked, I could feel the contractions in my front area but it wasn’t unbearable. She broke my water and in about 20 minutes I was ready to push. It only took about 20-30 minutes to push him out and he was 9 pounds 2 ounces and I didn’t even tear enough for stitches. We’re having trouble with breathing a little bit and he can’t keep food down, but his blood sugar is good and he’s otherwise healthy. Glad to have my baby in my arms.