Birth story

Jadenn • TikTok @mom_needs_caffeine

Short and sweet birth story! I had Braxton Hicks contractions pretty bad since 26 weeks pregnant. Then a week or soo before I gave birth I was sitting at 4cm and 50% effaced. Finally 2 days before my due date I woke up around 3am to go to the bathroom. Couple minutes later contractions started to happen pretty bad. I wanted to ride it out for a little bit just because I had been in the hospital the night before with contractions but I wasn’t dilating so they sent me home. About 4am I got up just to walk around and with my fourth contraction my water broke. Got to the hospital at 5:30am still at 4cm then around 7an I was at 6cm and finally got my epidural! I had about 8 hours of active labor and just under an hour of hard labor.

Weston Otto

3/27 3:55pm

8lbs 6oz and 19 1/4 in