So Frustrating!!


So I have irregular periods. I have not had a full cycle since May of 2017. Last month, my OB prescribed me provera. I took it from the 6th-10th and started my period 4 days later. I was relieved that I started and finally had a period again (even though it was awful and NINE days long). The day after I stopped, I started taking OPKs every day. There were some that looked VERY close to positive but were still negative, like I was almost there (there are pics on my profile for reference). My OB scheduled an appointment for the 21 day test to see if I ovulated. I got my results saying my progesterone levels were 0.10, obviously low and determined I did not ovulate. So why were the OPKs close to a positive?? And if I have irregular cycles, why was my progesterone test on day 21??? I dont have the normal/average 28 day cycle. Like what if I ovulate day 23?? My levels would obviously be low on day 21. Now I have to go in next week and talk about clomid. This was my first round of provera and TTC for the first time. I am just confused and sad. I thought that those OPK strips showed that I was close. We used preseed and everything. I take prenatal vitamins everyday. I asked the nurse who called me with my results if I need to refill my script for provera since I started last month on the 6th and just to get a start on things but she told me to wait until Tuesday (6 days from now) to see what the doctor says. I feel like that is just wasting time. I will have to wait to take the provera, the clomid, then my period, then ovulation then 2 week wait??? Id rather start 6 days ahead than behind. Sorry for my rant. Has anyone else experienced this?? Any success stories with provera and clomid??