ovulation after surgery


i had a hysteroscopy on Monday and my Dr removed a polyp in my uterus. that was cd12, I have bleeding bc of the surgery but my cm is super stretchy and lots of it as well. is it possible that I can still ovulate on time after a hysteroscopy or is my body just confused? Glow says my o day is the 9th. is it ok to ttc that soon after surgery or should I wait til next cycle? also, today is CD 14 and I took opks last night and today.

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Posted at
The CM sounds like you are ovulating, the tests don’t look positive to me though.. did your doctor give you guide lines of when you can/can’t have sexy after surgery ? I would follow that..


Posted at
I had my hysteroscopy with polyps removed on the 13th and my doctor said I probably shouldn't except my period for about a month after.


Katrina • Apr 5, 2018
also nothing inserted into the vagina for 14 days post surgery.