CD 57 and BFN test

Sarah • | august baby - 2019 • february baby - 2021 • may baby - 2023 • hoping for #4 🤞🏻• married 2014 • military spouse |

I am so frustrated today. Been TTC for 8 months, I'm on CD 57, I took a pregnancy test - first response and a Walmart .88 cent test and BFN. I had a little brown spotting on Sunday and a little brown mixed in with my CM on Monday and no AF after. Anyone less have this happen? I'm so frustrated and concerned that I have other problems. My other cycles have been weird too, 39 days then 44 then 32 now this. Doctor did blood test for my hormone levels and the only problem was my testosterone was slightly elevated. Supposed to schedule an ultrasound to check my ovaries but they won't call me back. Help! Anyone have these issues and been successful when TTC? I'm so frustrated and discouraged.