

So prom is coming up this month and I’ve been dropping subtle hints to my crush that I want him to ask me....

I’m hella impatient though so last night I texted him and asked if he didn’t have a date to prom if he wanted to go together and he asked if we could talk in person so half of me was like

But the other half of me was like

So we were supposed to talk today after school but he had practice so now we’re talking tomorrow and I must admit I’m hella nervous to see what he says! (We’re pretty good friends btw so things would be fine if he said no but I just have a huge ass crush on him) He’s also been flirty and hinted that he’s liked me in the past but idk he might have a date and okay I’m going to stop talking now because I’m over analyzing like I always do...just wanted to vent a little!

I’ll update tomorrow about what happens...fingers crossed ladies! 🤞🏼