🐣🐣🐣 CLUCKY 🐣🐣🐣


Anyone else go through phases where they are


Every now and then I just get in this mood where I even see a picture of a baby and I can literally feel my uterus tugging and screaming at me like “do it do it”

It usually lasts a few weeks where I live and breathe babies and all I think about is removing my nexplanon!!

I’ve just recently turned 20 and started my nursing studies, my partner and I always talk about one day having kids but we both know we aren’t at the right phase of our lives to have a baby right now.

But sometimes I just can’t shake the idea out of my head and it kills me!

Is this normal for anyone else?

I feel like I’m going crazy some days I swear 😅😅😅


Just so I’m clear i would never “baby trap” my partner or anything of the sort. I know we both need to wait, but the thought just clouds everything else sometimes.