6 week Pregnancy 🤰🏻 Prayer



Dear Lord, I am so amazed at the miracle of life that’s growing inside me. So much is happening for my baby this week. I just ask that You watch over him or her and cause the development to go just the way it should. Lord, I pray for my baby’s face—the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Let the face grow perfectly, just the way it’s supposed to. And form those features in a way that will reveal inner strength and outer love. And I pray for the internal parts—the stomach and lungs, and the heart and brain. Let them develop into strong, healthy parts for my baby. And last, I pray for the arms and legs to grow just right. Bless my baby in every way: physically, mentally and spiritually. Give my baby a pure, kind heart and a good soul, open to Your Holy Spirit, and to loving You.

I pray that my child will have a healthy sense of self-respect and honor. Help me to teach my child these values and be a good role model of respect and honor. Lord, as a family, we want to[…]”

Excerpt From

Praying Through Your Pregnancy

Jennifer Polimino


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