Truth comes out


Back in January, my ex boyfriend cheated me on with some girl, and then tries cheating on her by calling me begging me back. I had to block the psycho on everything and move on with my life.

Today I learn..... Little did I know that this girl was already pregnant and she was on her last term (another guys baby) while she was dating him.

Him cheating on me especially with her, took me to a dark place and couldn’t understand why I deserve this and what could I have possibly done wrong! Then I realize there’s so much I can give and love unconditionally and if he can’t appreciate that, then let the next deal with him. He doesn’t deserve me and my all I have to give. I pray that I won’t be in that kind of mess again. I hope that I meet my Mr. Right when the time is right. As for now, I have to do me and get my life together.