Finally I eat to share my birth story

Finally I eat to share my birth story. On Tuesday night at 730 I started noticing my contractions were hurting really bad. I ignored them at first. But it was even hard to eat with how strong they were. I took a shower and laid down to see if they’d go away and they didn’t. They got stronger and closer. Finally, my husband decided it was best to go in just in case. We drove the 40 minutes to the hospital and when they checked me I was only 1.5 cm dilated 😭 but those contractions were still 2-3 mins apart and it was both front and back labor. At 3am they sent me home because I wasn’t progressing. I was told to come back if my water broke. WELL! We drove the 40 mins back home for nothing because an hour and a half later MY WATER BROKE!! It just kept coming out and I was in so much pain I could barely stand. We drove ONCE AGAIN 40 minutes and they finally admit me and after all was settled in I was 3.5 cm dilated and they offered the epidural. YES YES YES!!!! I want it now! Crazy thing is the epidural hurt less than the IV needle. Finally I get relief quickly. I could relax. I stayed in labor and at 9:00pm the dr came to check me. I was 10cm dilated but he was concerned about my body size vs the baby’s size and threatened a c section if I didn’t push her out within an hour. We started pushing and I noticed that I was feeling everything. The dr had ordered that the epidural be turned off as I push better so I felt EVERYTHING! It was so painful I started begging for the c section but my husband said no and encouraged me to keep going. By 10:36 pm baby Aria Ellarose Rocha was born at 7.8 lbs and 18 inches long. She is so perfect and amazing and even though I’m still in pain I’m so happy I did it. I wouldn’t change it for the world ❤️