A week in the hospital. 🏥


Warning long story:

I was originally due February 21st. But things changed. I know it's been a while 2 months to be precise but just now I finally had the chance.

I was at my regular doctor's visit on a Monday getting NST test as I have been for the past couple visits.

The reason those tests were getting done was because my BP was a little high 140 over 90.

That day the doctor noticed irregular heartbeats on the NST so he sent me to get an ultrasound.

The ultrasound tech notice that the baby was not breathing every 30 seconds or so. And as expected I was admitted that day.

My doctor decide to induce me that day I was administered a medication called cervidil which was inserted inside the vagina every 12 hours. Which honestly was as painful as it sounds.

My next dose of cervidil was at midnight. And every time the medication was administer I was also checked for dilation but just my luck I had not dilated.

That next morning on Tuesday my doctor decided to switch my medication to something stronger. I can't remember what it was called but it was also inserted inside the vagina but only this one was every 4 hours, fun...

So that day every nurse that was on shift came in to see me every hour or so to check up on me to see how I was doing and see how far I was progressing which was not very much. That night as I was being checked for dilation the nurse had said that I had dilated 1 centimeter.

And as if all this was not painful enough she said she was going to make me into a two.

Also very painful she kept apologizing and tell me what a great patient I was that most patients at that point will be screaming.

So that night I was at 2 cm dilated the nurse came in every hour to check on me but no more progress happened unfortunately.

It was the next morning on Wednesday my Dr came in to see me and he decided to break my water to get things going.

I was also administered pitocin.

The pain started getting progressively worse at one point I was shaking from all the pain. I was given Demerol but that only made me drowsy.

The pain got so bad that I gave in and ask for the epidural. The anesthesiologist came in no more than 20 minutes later it was uncomfortable but I felt relieved rather quickly.

And this is where things get a little blurry for me I was in and out of consciousness I remember opening and closing my eyes and people would just appear and disappear. I was put on oxygen.

My BP had dropped so I was given medication for that but that wasn't doing anything. I was given a second dose and again it didn't do anything.

My blood pressure was 90 over 50 which is really low for me, and most people I guess.

And then the baby was becoming distressed so the doctor decided to do a emergency C-section.

Well at that point the baby had dropped to my pelvis and she was stuck there so in order to get her out I will cut from hip to hip. Thankfully she came out safe her cord was wrapped around her neck three times.

I don't know why my body was not responding and why it was not dilating after 3 days but I am thankful it did not happen. I was told if I was to deliver vaginally the baby would have died because of the cord wrapped around the neck so many times.

So that day at 5:25 p.m. February 7th I gave birth to Ellie 20 inches and 6.3 lb.

It was a very difficult delivery and even more difficult recovery I was discharge that Saturday afternoon.

It has been 2 months since I gave birth to my wonderful daughter and as difficult as it all was I will do it all over again just for her.

Ellie at 2 months.