2nd loss

Debbie • Currently expecting a healthy baby girl 🌈

I experienced my second loss a little over a month ago. A blighted ovum. Everything was there except my baby. My heart aches and I cry every day. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I have felt all my life that I am meant to be a mom, and it feels like the one thing I don’t get to have right now.

My husband is so positive that it breaks my heart. We know this is going to happen for us, but it’s so hard for me to look into the future and think about trying again when I should be holding my first baby that was due in February or getting to find out the gender of the one we just lost.

The doctors did some testing for my thyroid level and found that one of them was high so we are going to try Synthroid the next time around and see if that helps us get to the finish line.

I don’t know what else to do except to have faith. Everything will be in God’s timing. 🌈 🙏