39+6 or 40 even?!

I'm 39+6 and this morning at 3:15 am I was woken up by a super strong twinge in my pelvis. at first I was like, well that was weird, then it did it again about 15 min later. I didn't think too much of it and fell back asleep.

3:52 comes around and I'm woken up again. I get up to pee and another one, then another, then another. when I started to time them they were already 5 min apart. got up, did some dishes waiting to pass time as I was waiting for the contractions to be consistent for an hour.

woke hubby up and told him he should get ready in case. 5:00 comes around and I'm like ok it's time to go. go check on hubby and he's still sleeping. turn the light on told him to get up now we have to go. he SLOWLY gets up, im talking turtle slow I swear ive never seen this man move so slow in my life. 5:30, we finally get in the car And head to my hospital.

Fast forward to 10cm (it's now 9pm..) and I have about 1% to effaced. They had me do “practice pushes” to see if he could get around that last little bit. It worked! 10pm comes around and I start pushing religiously with everything I have.

2:30 am rolls around and he's still not here and they couldn't figure out why but I was exhausted and running severely low on energy. We opted for a cesarean And they started prepping me. The moment when I stopped pushing was the WORST pain I've ever felt because there was no longer any place to put all the pressure. I was in so much pain yet so exhausted, I fell asleep on the way to the OR.

It was ALL worth it to have my little man in my arms and I would do it all over again for him. We welcome Stephen David at 3:43 am on his due date 4-6-18 weighing at 9lbs 2oz and 21 in long