Born right on time! 03•22•18❣️😱🤗


So i finally I’m writing my birth story to share with all you mommas !

Okay so my due date was 03•22 and i was on the verge of giving up hope that my baby girl wasn’t going to come on her exact due date 🙁

But as you can see she did ❣️

So on March 18th i grew restless of not having any signs of labor, like real F** tired 💀😂

So me and my mom decided to get our asses up and try to get this baby out. We live in Florida so the weather was absolutely beautiful!!

So we decided to walk this trail bridge and boy did it help!

Here’s a picture of the trail bridge actually:

After walking this bridge and a little further passed it, we get home and i see that i lost a chunk of my mucus plug 😱

I was so happy lol i knew labor was coming soon.

So for the last couple days i had been losing small and big pieces of my mucus plug til the night before my due date

SO the night before my due date ; Seeing that my underwear’s didn’t fit me at all, i wore my husbands boxers 😂 (i mean he isn’t here to wear them anyways, he’s away in training for the military!)

So after texting him, he decides to fall asleep on me, andddddd that’s when the magic started of course 😪😑

Around 10:30-11pm i started getting contractions but me I’m thinking it’s the baby pushing out so i tried getting into comfortable positions while watching Snooki try to find the beach:

And Literally @12am on 03•22 .. my water decides to break 😂 i honestly thought i pissed myself from laughing to hard but i soon realized i was wrong once those contractions hit me 😩

I woke my parents up and went straight to the hospital, but seeing as my husband is a heavy sleeper waking him up was IMPOSSIBLE! I called that man 28 times..... 28 TIMESSSSSSS.

The contractions were horrible i thought i was gonna die , the epidural didn’t hurt and let me tell you i hit that button so many times like a drug addict that my legs were DEAD 😂😂 like the nurse had to put up the stands so my legs could rest on them 💀.

10hrs and 7 pushes later my Princess was born ✨🌸

Malyn K. Martin 8lb 7oz 20.5in born March 22 @ 11:25am

Now she’s two weeks old 😢

And lastly with her father who won’t let her date til she’s 95 years old 😂:

Let me tell you having a daughter changed me to be a better woman ✨😩✊🏽